Simple Social Security - Quick Info
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Spouse Benefits
    If your spouse is at least age 62, or has your child under age 16 in her (or his) care, or a disabled child who became disabled before age 22 in care, then the spouse can collect on your account, up to 50% of your primary insurance amount, which means the benefit calculated on our earnings record before any reduction for taking the benefit before full retiement age.  If she takes it before her own full retirement age then it will be reduced for age, up tp 30% at age 62.  The benefit for a young spouse (with child in care) is not reduced for age.

    If your spouse is over 62, then she (or he) must also apply on her own earnings record. If the amount of the spouse's own primary insurance amount (the unreduced benefit) is greater than 1/2 of yours, then the spouse is not eligible on your account.  If it is lesser than 1/2, then she will collect on her own account, and get the difference as a spouse on your account.  

    If you die, your spouse can collect as a widow (or widower) on your account if she is age 60, or 50 and disabled.  If she (or he) is younger, she can collect if she has a young child in care (under age 16) or a disabled adult child who became disabled before age 22.  The amount of the widow's benefit is the amount you received in life for an aged widow, but is reduced if taken before full retirement age, up tp 71 1/2% at age 60.
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