Simple Social Security - Quick Info
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 There are three social security programs that provide monthly benefits to covered workers, their spouses and children.  These are:

Retirement, Disability and Survivors.  

    Medicare is a health insurance program that provides medical, hospital, and related benefits.

    Click on Links for more info
or for a detailed statement of the Social Security program requirements click on Social Security Benefits Handbook Online Edition

Retirement Benefits
- You must be at least age 62  more retirement info

Disability Benefits
- You must be totally & permanently  disabled for any substantial gainful work more disability info

Survivor Benefits
- Widows & Widowers at least age 60 or disabled & at least age 50

- Surviving Divorced Wives & Husbands can also be entitled  if married 10 years; 

- Widows or Widowers With Young Child (under 16) or disabled child in care.

Spouse Benefits
- at least age 62
- or with young child (under 16)
 or with disabled child in care more spouse's benefits info

Divorced Spouse - married 10 years- at least age 62 (note- child in care doesn't qualify)more divorced spouse's info

Children's Benefits
- under 18 (19 if in school);  or disabled adult child (disabled pre - 22) more children's benefits info

Grandchildren's Benefits - parents deceased, and child dependent on grandparent

Parent's Benefits
- child deceased and parent received  1/2 support before child's death or eligibility

Medicare - You must be at least age 65 or entitled to SS disability benefits for 2 years 

    The program called SSI is not a social security program.  It is a federal welfare program for the aged, blind and disabled with very little assets and low income.  

    Note that the worker on whose account benefits are claimed must have worked long enough in employment covered by social security taxes to qualify.  

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